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The Richmond Rising: Community Action Plan was completed and adopted by the City of Richmond Common Council on February 3, 2020. 

plan goals

In order to transition from Phase 1: Information Gathering to Phase 2: Ideas and Strategy Development, the community and project team has to have a solid understanding of the desired outcome for the future of Richmond. Through reviewing the 2006 Comprehensive Plan, conducting an analysis of Richmond's existing conditions, identifying the key challenges, and summarizing public engagement input 10 goal statements were created. Goals are intended to be a statement of desired results which a community commits to achieve.

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  1. Provide a variety of coordinated land uses to meet the needs of a diverse and sustainable community with thriving neighborhoods, business areas, industrial parks, and civic places.

  2. Develop and maintain clean, safe neighborhoods that offer diverse housing types to meet the needs of current and future residents.

  3. Generate a thriving economy through diversifying the City’s economic base and responding to industry needs by providing opportunities for lifelong learning and workforce development services and programs.

  4. Continue meeting the changing needs of the City's residents through public safety, and support health, education, and religious institutions while promoting safe and healthy lifestyles.

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  1. Expand Richmond’s motorized and non-motorized network to better facilitate local vehicular and pedestrian movement, while at the same time, minimizing the impact of regional traffic through the city.

  2. Provide efficient public services and utilities to foster economic development while planning for future demand.

  3. Enhance Richmond’s parks and recreation system by providing high-quality, diversified park amenities including trail connections, recreational facilities, and programming experiences for all users.

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  1. Conserve resources and protect Richmond’s natural environment by guiding growth and redevelopment with an overarching philosophy of sustainability.

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  1. Establish a brand, identity, and character that is authentic to Richmond and generates a sense of place for its residents, visitors, and workforce.

  2. Improve government efficiencies through the use of modern technology by delivering consistent enforcement processes, transparent and frequent communication, and opportunities for collaboration among entities, agencies, and/or organizations.

goals to action items

To provide direction to the City, each goal topic and statement were supported by a series of objectives and action items. The specific action items are discussed further on the Critical Path Strategies page.

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